Registration is open for 2 more Rookie Division players. Players have been assigned to teams. Game schedules will be available around February 21 when team rosters were finalized and distributed. Opening Day is Saturday, March 1, 2025. |
The table below shows the status of players who have signed up for 2025 Spring Baseball. If you find an error in the listing, send email to
Listing was updated Friday evening.
1. Waitlist sign-ups for Rookie is still open. New Rookie sign-ups are placed on a waitlist. All other divisions are closed for new signups. When placed on a waitlist, there is no guarantee of being placed onto a team.
2. “Completed” indicates a registration fee and form have been received.
3. “Pending” indicates we have not received payment and therefore registration has not been completed.
4. “Waitlisted” indicates registration has not been completed either 1) due to not having received payment or 2) we have reached capacity in the division selected and the player is waiting for an opening in the requested division.
5. Registration Page is at
6. This status page is updated every couple of days.
Please email with registration questions. Email with your baseball questions. The Spring Baseball FAQ and news articles are on our website at
STATUS | Player Fname | Player Lname | TEAM | AGE | SCHOOL |
Completed | Abhik | Aadarsh | Rookie A's | 7 | Bubb |
Completed | Maximus | Abarca | T-Ball Giants | 4 | St. Elizabeth Seton |
Completed | Journey | Acosta | T-Ball A's | 4 | Learning Links Preschool |
Pending | Noor | Adatia | Rookie A's | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Anay | Agarwal | Farm Cardinals | 8 | Springer |
Completed | Atreus | Agront | T-Ball Giants | 5 | Theuerkauf Preschool |
Completed | Leonidas | Agront | Farm Giants | 7 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Alexander | Akinshyn | Farm Pirates | 9 | Bubb |
Completed | Ulysses | Arellano | T-Ball Rockies | 5 | Kipp Valiant |
Completed | Cruz | Arredondo | Junior Dodgers | 13 | Crittenden |
Pending | Sylus | Astudillo | T-Ball Giants | 5 | Briarwood |
Completed | Farley | AuYoung | T-Ball Rockies | 4 | Los Altos Chinese School |
Completed | Avinash | Azariah | Minor A's | 11 | Hoover |
Completed | Owen | Babcock | Major Red Sox | 11 | Imai |
Completed | David | Balin | Farm Cardinals | 9 | Springer |
Completed | Ori | Baror | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Orion | Barrios | T-Ball Red Sox | 5 | MVPNS |
Completed | Alexander | Becker | Farm Pirates | 8 | German International (GISSV) |
Completed | Anton | Becker | Rookie A's | 6 | German International (GISSV) |
Completed | Eryk | Benito | Rookie Giants | 5 | Springer |
Completed | Finn | Bennon | Rookie Giants | 6 | Las Lomitas |
Completed | Aiden | Berk | Major A's | 12 | Graham |
Completed | Sebastian | Blankinship | Farm Pirates | 10 | Landels |
Completed | Drew | Bonar | Minor Pirates | 9 | Springer Elementary |
Completed | Leonardo | Bonfantine | Minor Pirates | 9 | St. Simon |
Completed | Vincenzo | Bonfantine | Major A's | 11 | St. Simon |
Completed | Andre | Bourget | Major Red Sox | 10 | Vargas |
Completed | Zachary | Braunschweig | T-Ball Red Sox | 5 | German International (GISSV) |
Completed | Kingston | Bulan | Minor Giants | 10 | One World Montessori |
Completed | Hudson | Caleca | Farm Giants | 7 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Leonard | Callanan | Major A's | 10 | German International (GISSV) |
Completed | Duncan | Carmack | Major A's | 11 | Heritage Academy |
Completed | Luca | Carmean | T-Ball Rangers | 4 | None |
Completed | Andrew | Carter | Rookie Giants | 7 | Springer |
Completed | Gavin | Cary | Junior Dodgers | 14 | Graham |
Completed | Kai | Casadevall-Chan | T-Ball Rangers | 4 | None (Too young) |
Completed | Lluna | Casadevall-Chan | T-Ball Rangers | 6 | Landels |
Completed | Andrew | Caselli | T-Ball Cardinals | 5 | MVLA Montessori |
Pending | Devin | Castro | Major Giants | 10 | Vargas |
Completed | Paulanthony | Cervantes | T-Ball Rangers | 4 | St Joseph |
Completed | Jeremiah | Chan | Minor Pirates | 10 | Oak |
Completed | Zachary | Chan | Major Giants | 12 | Oak |
Completed | Raiden | Chandar | Junior Dodgers | 13 | Graham |
Completed | Miles | Chang | Minor Pirates | 10 | Vargas |
Completed | Eliott | Chapin | Major A's | 12 | St. Simon |
Completed | Paul | Cheng | Minor Pirates | 9 | Bowman |
Completed | Pi-Le | Cheng | Farm A's | 9 | Monta Loma |
Completed | Zhi-Yu | Cheng | Farm A's | 7 | Monta Loma |
Completed | Charles | Chu | Rookie Pirates | 7 | Stevenson |
Completed | Callan | Cooper | T-Ball Yankees | 5 | Bubb |
Completed | Hudson | Cooper | T-Ball Red Sox | 4 | 0 |
Completed | Lucas | Coquillard | T-Ball A's | 5 | Los Altos Early Learning Montessori |
Completed | Shalom | Counsil | Minor A's | 9 | Vargas |
Completed | David | Cruz Orozco | Farm Pirates | 8 | Mistral |
Completed | Samantha | Cruz Orozco | T-Ball Red Sox | 5 | Mistral |
Completed | Benson | Cutler | Major A's | 11 | Imai |
Completed | Lucas | Datta | Farm Cardinals | 8 | Springer |
Completed | James | Davis lll | T-Ball Yankees | 6 | Bubb |
Completed | Adam | de Ruiter | Minor A's | 12 | Crittenden |
Completed | James | Devine | Minor Giants | 9 | Mistral |
Completed | Mason | Diamond | T-Ball Rockies | 5 | Bowman Preschool |
Completed | Will | Dodson | Farm Giants | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Oliver | Dong | Farm A's | 7 | Vargas |
Completed | Jason | Dormishian | Farm A's | 7 | Stevenson |
Completed | Connor | Drake | Minor A's | 9 | Vargas |
Completed | Declan | Drake | Junior Dodgers | 13 | Crittenden |
Pending | Luchiano | Driscoll | T-Ball Red Sox | 4 | N/A |
Completed | Leo | Eisenbud | Farm Cardinals | 10 | Gideon Hausner |
Completed | Braden | Elliott | Major Red Sox | 11 | Mistral |
Completed | Gavin | Elvitsky | Farm Cardinals | 8 | Landels |
Completed | Abigail | Erlien | T-Ball A's | 4 | Bright Horizons |
Completed | Benjamin | Erlien | Farm A's | 8 | Landels |
Completed | Haruki | Esaka | Farm Cardinals | 8 | Landels |
Completed | Ajay | Esmail | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Seth | Festa-Cohen | Farm Pirates | 8 | Mistral |
Completed | Johnatan | Flores Carrillo | Major Red Sox | 12 | Crittenden |
Completed | Benicio | Galvan | T-Ball A's | 6 | Canyon Heights Academy |
Completed | Joaquin | Galvan | Farm Giants | 8 | Canyon Heights Academy |
Completed | Darragh | Galvin | Farm Pirates | 7 | Bubb |
Completed | Kingston | Garcia | Rookie Giants | 6 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Jameson | Garcia Dyer | Major A's | 11 | Stevenson |
Completed | Samantha | Gastelum | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 5 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Graham | Gawalt | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Norah | Gawalt | T-Ball Cardinals | 4 | Learning Links Preschool |
Completed | Luka | Giaume | T-Ball Cardinals | 5 | Monta Loma |
Completed | Jai | Giri | Junior Dodgers | 14 | Crittenden |
Completed | Saahil | Giri | Junior Dodgers | 14 | Crittenden |
Completed | Andrew | Goldklank | Minor A's | 10 | Vargas |
Completed | Cheng | Gong | T-Ball Yankees | 5 | Imai |
Pending | Legacy | Gonzalez | Major A's | 11 | Stevenson |
Pending | Legend | Gonzalez | T-Ball Red Sox | 5 | None |
Pending | Polo | Gonzalez III | Junior Dodgers | 13 | Crittenden |
Completed | Myles | Gordon | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Bubb |
Completed | Nathan | Grey | Major A's | 12 | Bubb |
Completed | Sebastian | Grey | Minor Pirates | 10 | Bubb |
Completed | Ryan | Grow | Junior Dodgers | 13 | Crittenden |
Completed | Taniksha | Guha | T-Ball Giants | 6 | Stevenson |
Completed | Easton | Habura | Farm Giants | 7 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Elijah | Habura | Major Red Sox | 12 | Crittenden |
Completed | Elliot | Hawawini | Minor Giants | 8 | Canyon Heights Academy |
Completed | Sebastian | Hawawini | Minor Giants | 10 | Canyon Heights Academy |
Completed | Cormac | Hawks | Major Red Sox | 11 | St. Simon |
Completed | Damian | Heath | T-Ball Rangers | 4 | Bubb |
Completed | Jackson | Heath | T-Ball Rangers | 6 | Bubb |
Completed | Mateo | Hernandez | Minor Giants | 11 | Mistral Elementary |
Completed | Liam | Hess | Junior Dodgers | 13 | Graham |
Completed | Vivian | Hill | T-Ball A's | 6 | Ellis Elementary |
Completed | Kai | Hilliard-Huestis | T-Ball Rockies | 5 | Landels |
Completed | Andrew | Hislop | Major Giants | 12 | Graham |
Completed | Caleb | Hoffman | Farm Giants | 7 | Mistral |
Completed | Olivia | Hoffman | T-Ball Giants | 5 | Preschool at MV Rec Center |
Completed | Reece | Hoffman | Minor Giants | 10 | Stevenson |
Completed | Jonas | Hoffmann | Rookie Pirates | 6 | Mistral |
Completed | Linus | Hoffmann | Farm Pirates | 8 | Mistral |
Completed | Lucas | Hsu | T-Ball Red Sox | 5 | Preschool |
Completed | Gibran | Hubbard | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 5 | MV Community Center |
Completed | Ayden | Hwang | Farm Cardinals | 8 | Landels |
Completed | Tate | Hyun | Rookie A's | 6 | Springer |
Completed | Carson | Iwata | Minor Pirates | 10 | Stevenson |
Completed | Aum | Jai-Narayan | Major Giants | 11 | Crittenden |
Completed | Ayan | Jai-Narayan | Major Giants | 11 | Crittenden |
Completed | Mateo | Jimenez | Rookie Giants | 6 | East Palo Alto Charter School |
Completed | Brandon | Kao | Minor A's | 10 | Oak |
Completed | Ian | Kassab | Minor Giants | 10 | Hausner |
Completed | Zhiyan | Ke | Farm A's | 8 | Vargas |
Completed | Andrew | Khalaf | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 6 | St. Simon |
Completed | Emma | Klarin | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Leo | Kohler | Farm Pirates | 8 | Mistral |
Completed | Olive | Kremen | Rookie Giants | 5 | Nidos Daycare |
Completed | Caleb | Ku | Major Giants | 12 | Graham |
Completed | Joseph | Ku | Rookie Giants | 5 | Lingli Preschool |
Completed | Victor | Landaverde | Major A's | 12 | Crittenden |
Completed | Corinne | Langner | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Cayden | Lara | Rookie Pirates | 7 | Imai |
Completed | Izayah | Larkin | T-Ball Giants | 6 | Stevenson |
Completed | Charles | Lee | Minor Pirates | 9 | Springer |
Completed | Daniel | Lee | Major Giants | 12 | The King's Academy |
Completed | Kepler | Lee | Farm A's | 8 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Maeve | Lee | T-Ball Cardinals | 6 | Landels |
Completed | Mendel | Lee | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 6 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Meryk | Lee | Farm Cardinals | 7 | Imai |
Completed | Jayden | Li | Farm Pirates | 8 | Silicon Valley Int'l |
Completed | Evan | Liu | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 4 | Little Tree Montessori |
Completed | Everett | Liu | Major Giants | 12 | Graham |
Completed | Luca | Loncich | T-Ball Rangers | 6 | Landels |
Pending | Braylon | Luedke | Junior Dodgers | 14 | Crittenden |
Pending | Macklon | Luedke | Minor A's | 10 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Max | Luo | T-Ball Yankees | 6 | Springer |
Completed | Josephine | Lupu | T-Ball Cardinals | 6 | Landels |
Completed | Ethan | Ma | Minor A's | 10 | Stevenson |
Completed | Matteo | Mancini | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Khalil | Manjoo | Junior Dodgers | 14 | Crittenden |
Completed | Arlo | Martinez | T-Ball Rockies | 4 | Latham Preschool (Castro) |
Completed | Sena | Masuda | Major Giants | 12 | The King's Academy |
Completed | Michael | McClure | Rookie A's | 6 | Los Altos Christian School |
Completed | Colin | McConnell | Major Red Sox | 10 | Oak |
Completed | Kieran | McDermott-Smith | T-Ball Rockies | 5 | Jardin De Mariposa |
Completed | Matthew | McGrath | Rookie Giants | 5 | St. Simon |
Completed | Magnus | McLean | T-Ball A's | 5 | Springer |
Completed | Theodore | McQuin | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 5 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Jaxen | Mena | T-Ball Rangers | 6 | Landels |
Completed | Jeancarlo | Millan | Minor Giants | 10 | Bubb |
Transferred | Gabriel | Millman | Farm Giants | 9 | Landels |
Completed | Keanu | Moppin | Minor Pirates | 10 | Landels |
Completed | Eli | Nadler | Rookie Pirates | 6 | Landels |
Completed | Ethan | Nadler | Major Red Sox | 10 | Landels |
Completed | Goro | Nakazawa | Farm A's | 7 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | William | Nelson | Rookie A's | 7 | Stevenson |
Completed | Wesley | Nguyen | T-Ball Cardinals | 5 | Preschool |
Completed | Cooper | Nielsen | Farm Giants | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Takuma | Nishio | Farm A's | 7 | Stevenson |
Completed | Noah | Nusimow | T-Ball Yankees | 5 | Bubb |
Completed | Griffin | Ohara | Farm Cardinals | 7 | Imai |
Completed | Miles | Ohara | T-Ball A's | 4 | Community First School |
Completed | Xavier | Olvera | Farm Giants | 9 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Lukas | Oslan | Rookie Giants | 6 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Ethan | Ostafew | Minor Giants | 9 | Landels |
Completed | Elijah | Ouimette | T-Ball Yankees | 4 | Sunnyvale Christian School |
Completed | Aayan | Parbhu | Farm Pirates | 8 | Bubb |
Completed | Vir | Parikh | Rookie A's | 6 | Bubb |
Completed | Adrian | Park | Rookie A's | 6 | Stevenson |
Completed | Colin | Park | Farm Cardinals | 9 | Saint Andrew's Episcopal School |
Completed | Matthew | Pasin | Minor Pirates | 9 | Vargas |
Completed | Cameron | Pedroza | T-Ball Red Sox | 5 | NA |
Completed | Idris | Perea | Major A's | 12 | Easterbrook Elementary School |
Completed | Henri | Philips | Minor A's | 9 | Monta Loma |
Completed | Theo | Purcell | Major A's | 12 | Crittenden |
Completed | Braden | Redmond | Farm Pirates | 8 | Vargas |
Completed | Connor | Redmond | Minor Giants | 10 | Vargas |
Completed | Aarjav | Revar | Farm Cardinals | 9 | Springer |
Completed | Michael | Rhoads | Minor Giants | 8 | Mistral |
Completed | James | Ristedt | Major Giants | 11 | Landels |
Completed | Miles | Robbins | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 4 | Little Acorn Christian Preschool |
Completed | Shane | Robustelli | T-Ball Giants | 4 | Action Day Mountain View |
Completed | Emory | Rodgers | Junior Dodgers | 13 | Vargas |
Completed | Aiden | Romo | Major Red Sox | 11 | Landels |
Completed | Camryn | Rosenberg | Rookie A's | 6 | 0 |
Pending | Kiara | Ruiz | T-Ball Red Sox | 5 | Latham Preschool |
Completed | Andrew | Sam | Farm A's | 8 | Stevenson |
Completed | Robinson | Sausa | Minor Pirates | 9 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | William | Schar | T-Ball Rockies | 4 | Children's Pre School Center |
Completed | Cameron | Schlager | Minor Giants | 10 | Bubb |
Completed | Luke | Schrotenboer | Minor A's | 10 | San Jose Christian School |
Completed | Leo | Self | T-Ball Giants | 5 | Little Acorn Christian Preschool |
Completed | Logan | Self | Farm Giants | 8 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Shivaank | Shah | Rookie Red Sox | 6 | Landels |
Completed | Niklas | Simon | Rookie A's | 7 | Silicon Valley Int'l |
Completed | Emmie | Singh | T-Ball Giants | 5 | Pomeroy |
Completed | Noah | Slack | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 5 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Reef | Smith | Junior Dodgers | 14 | Graham |
Completed | Sloane | Stanton | T-Ball Cardinals | 5 | Landels |
Completed | Hunter | Stevens | Minor A's | 9 | Monta Loma |
Completed | Logan | Stevens | Minor A's | 8 | Monta Loma |
Completed | Kayden | Stewart | T-Ball Giants | 5 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Griggs | Stimson | T-Ball Diamondbacks | 4 | 0 |
Completed | Callen | Sullivan- Robinson | Minor A's | 10 | Castro |
Completed | Asher | Swett | Rookie Red Sox | 6 | Landels |
Completed | James | Swett | T-Ball Cardinals | 4 | Landels |
Completed | Elie | Teo | Rookie Pirates | 7 | Stevenson |
Completed | John | Thiele | Farm Pirates | 8 | Mistral |
Pending | Santiago | Tobon Jiménez | Major A's | 12 | Graham |
Completed | Sadie | Trdinich | T-Ball Rockies | 5 | Building Kidz Mountain View |
Completed | Nolan | Tu | T-Ball A's | 5 | Springer |
Completed | Athena | Tyler Funes Montenegro | Rookie Giants | 7 | Santa Rita |
Completed | Jorge | Vazquez | Farm A's | 8 | Vargas |
Completed | Lincoln | Verduzco | Rookie Pirates | 7 | Vargas |
Completed | Maeve | Walker | T-Ball Cardinals | 5 | Landels |
Completed | Otis | Walker | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Ethan | Wang | Farm Cardinals | 7 | Stratford School |
Completed | Oliver | Wang | Rookie Pirates | 6 | Vargas |
Completed | Liam | Warrener | Junior Dodgers | 14 | Crittenden |
Completed | Tyson | Warrener | Minor Giants | 9 | Vargas |
Completed | Taihua | Wen | Rookie Pirates | 6 | Challenger School |
Completed | Samuel | Whyte | Rookie Red Sox | 7 | Landels |
Completed | Wren | Wiseman | T-Ball Yankees | 5 | Imai |
Completed | Marcus | Wong | Rookie Pirates | 6 | Vargas |
Completed | Mason | Wong | Minor Pirates | 10 | Bubb |
Completed | Max | Wong | Minor Pirates | 8 | Bubb |
Completed | Ryan | Wong | Rookie Giants | 7 | Bubb |
Completed | Matthew | Wu | Major Red Sox | 12 | Graham |
Completed | Jiachen | Yan | Major Giants | 11 | Vargas |
Completed | Albert | Yang | T-Ball A's | 5 | Shir Hadash |
Completed | Isaac | Yee | Major Giants | 12 | Graham |
Pending | Bentley | Young | Major Red Sox | 10 | Theuerkauf |
Pending | Caden | Young | Major Red Sox | 12 | Theuerkauf |
Pending | Hudson | Young | Farm Giants | 7 | Theuerkauf |
Completed | Evan | Zarnegar | Rookie Pirates | 7 | Mistral |
Completed | Bohan | Zhang | T-Ball Yankees | 5 | Springer School / Oak School |
Completed | Yuecheng | Zhang | Farm A's | 8 | Vargas |